Sources of islamic law in urdu pdf

Sources of islamic law in urdu pdf
1/05/2016 · Download complete, comprehensive and precise notes on Muslim Law & Jurisprudence by a Renowned scholar Shah Abdul Hannan (He is the Advisor of Witness-Pioneer International Virtual School and author of the text book for this course.
Definition of Ijma. Ijma is defined as agreement of the jurists among the followers of Muhammad in a particular age on a question of law. Its authority as a source of …
Introduction. 2 Al-Quran 3-5 As-Sunnah 6-8 Conclusion 9 Reference 10 0 DISCUSS THE PRIMARY SOURCES OF ISLAMIC LAW INTRODUCTION Various sources of Islamic law are used by Islamic jurisprudence to elucidate the Shariah, the body of Islamic law.
ISLAMIC LEGAL HISTORIES gether, these propositions amount to what I call the dominant plot of Islamic law historiography. Reduced to its bare essentials, this plot tells us four things.
The fundamental sources of Islamic law or Sharia law are the Holy Quran and Sunnah of Prophet Muhammad (PBHH). All Muslim sects whether Sunni or Shia agree upon these two sources. All Muslim sects whether Sunni or Shia agree upon these two sources.
Introduction to Islamic law Islamic Law is also called and known by Sharia. Sharia is the moral code and religious law of Islam. Sharia deals with many topics addressed by secular law, including crime, politics, and economics, as well as personal matters such as sexual intercourse, hygiene, diet, prayer, everyday etiquette and fasting. Though interpretations of sharia vary between cultures, in
The Sources of Islamic Economics The fundamental sources of Islam – the Quran and the Sunnah of the Prophet [1] – provide guidelines for economic behavior and a blueprint of how the economic system of a society should be organized.
For Sunni Muslims, the primary sources of Islamic law are the Quran, the Hadith or directions of the Islamic prophet Muhammad , the unanimity (ertsulovneba) of Muhammad’s disciples on a certain issue ( ijma ), and Qiyas (drawing analogy from the essence of divine
DOWNLOAD ISLAMIC ANSWER QUESTION IN URDU islamic answer question in pdf Discover Islam, The Islamic Religion, Islam Holy Book, Muhammad, Muslim People and More..
Islamic Sources of Information and their Development into Islamic Law. by Muslim Women’s League September 1995 . Diversity of Thought. Diversity of opinion and practice has existed since the beginning of time. Even Prophet Muhammad was thought to have said “difference of opinion among my community is a sign of the bounty of God.”1 (Could not find firsthand reference!) The goal of this chapter
The Qur’an is the principal source of Islamic law, the Sharia. It contains the rules by which the Muslim world is governed (or should govern itself) and forms the basis for relations between man and God, between individuals, whether Muslim or non-Muslim, as well …
Mizan (English: balance; scale, Urdu: ميزان ‎) is a comprehensive treatise on the contents of Islam, written by Javed Ahmad Ghamidi, a Pakistani Islamic scholar. It is published in Urdu by Al-Mawrid Institute of Islamic Sciences .
1 Ijtihad and Mujtahid BY HIS EMINENCE MAULANA MUHAMMAD ABDUL ALEEM SIDDIQUI AL-QADRI From Ch. VI, “The Codification of Islamic Law”, published by Haji
On The Sources Of Islamic Law And Practices [Ahmed Souaiaia] on *FREE* shipping on qualifying offers. Is Islamic law organically linked to its primary sources, namely the Qur’an and the Sunnah, or is it manufactured by the ruling elite centuries after the time of the Prophet Muhammad? This is one of the central questions that a
Fundamental laws of Islam are contained in Holy Quran and this is the primary source of law in Islam. This is the first and the great legislative Code of Islam. It is the original, primary, basic and most fundamental source of the Islamic Shariah. It is the last Book of His revelations for entire humanity.
17/06/2014 · Out of these primary sources, Quran is considered as the first primary or fundamental source of Islamic Law. The Quran is the revealed Book of God. The basic source of Islamic Law is divine revelation. This has been given to us by the Prophet (Peace Be Upon Him) in two forms. One is the direct words of God (The Quran), other is indirect words of God ( The Sunnah). These two forms …
Some Important Terms. Ijtihad literally means “to endeavor, strive, put one­self out, work hard.” In Islamic legal terminology it means “the process of deriving the laws of the shari’ah from its sources.”

Ijma in Islam Importance of Ijma in Jurisprudence
On the Sources of Islamic Law and Practices by Ahmed
The Sources of Islamic Law Understanding Islam
5/12/2018 · Asalam o Alikum Everyone Today We are going to start a new video series on sources of islamic law hope you all like it Juristic preference. Refers to the principle that permits exceptions to
Challenging the conservative framers of Islamic law who accorded a lesser status to women, Mohammad Ali Syed argues that the Quran and the Hadith-the two primary sources of Islamic law …
His actions and sayings became a model for Muslim conduct as well as a primary source of Islamic law. Because early Muslim teachings were transmitted orally, some disagreement arose about the basis of the sunnah.
The Sources of Islamic Law 35 tradition or story of the Prophet while the former term relates to the rule of law deduced from it (Fyzee, 1964a, p.l9).
islamic studies questions and answers in urdu (Doctrinal Statement) Basic Doctrines of the Bible – A study course (25 pages) to help people understand all
Most Muslims believe Sharia is derived from two primary sources of Islamic law: the precepts set forth in the Qur’an, and the example set by the Islamic Prophet Muhammad in the Sunnah. Fiqh jurisprudence interprets and extends the application of Sharia to questions not directly addressed in the primary sources by including secondary sources. These secondary sources usually include the
Since Islamic law is regulated by state legislative assemblies, the law is published within the respective state gazettes, except for the Federal Territories of Kuala Lumpur, Labuan and Putrajaya, in which the Islamic law is enacted by the Parliament and is published in the Federal Gazettes.
Al Hadith is the second source for Islamic Jurisprudence. The Beloved Prophet (Peace and blessings be upon him) life is the practical explanation for the Divine Law. A person can not obey the religion without follow the path of our beloved Prophet Peace and blessings be upon him).
ON_THE_SOURCES_OF_LAW SOURCES OF ISLAMIC LAW 101 ON THE SOURCES OF ISLAMIC LAW AND PRACTICES ON_THE_SOURCES_OF_LAW SOURCES OF ISLAMIC LAW 101] SOURCES OF ISLAMIC LAW AND PRACTICES 103 so linked. Indeed, Dutton’s argument could be easily deconstructed by identifying a similar number of cases in which there is a clear divergence between the authoritative law in various Islamic …
The aim of this paper is to highlight the values of flexibility in the Islamic sources of law. This is to prove that Islamic laws are not static and irresponsive of changes in the contemporary
Sources of Islamic Law Legal Service India
source of Islamic law. • It is incumbent on the Muslim to follow the legal rule of Islamic law that derived from ijma as similar to the rule established by the text of the Qur [an and the Sunnah. • The legal rule based on ijma is definitive and it is not permitted to oppose it. • In addition, the mujtahids are not allowed to exercise ijtihad on the legal issue that has been settled
Keywords: Islamic law, Islamic thought, jurisprudence, Quran, Universe, Revelations Oxford Scholarship Online requires a subscription or purchase to access the full text of books within the service. Public users can however freely search the site and view the abstracts and keywords for each book and chapter.
Meanwhile, the two primary sources of Islamic ethics are the Qur’an and Sunnah of the Prophet Muhammad (p.b.u.h). Al-Qur’an is the most significant source given by God for the
The Holy Qur’an, Tradition and Ijtihad are the three main sources of Islamic law which govern and regulate all aspects of a Muslim’s public and private life.
Islamic law and its sources Federal Agent David MacGregor is undertaking a Masters in International Law at the University of Melbourne and has recently completed an essay about the fundamentals of Islamic law. An excerpt of that essay follows. In many ways, the laws and religion of Islam are inextricably linked and an understanding of Islamic law, the shari’ah, is fundamental to the
Where we link to unofficial sources this is noted and users should take this into account before relying on these materials. We recommend checking with the relevant national government if you have questions about the currency or validity of any unofficial source of law. Legal system Mix of Islamic law and common law Global law database Language: Urdu and English Link: Nature
AL-QURAN AS A MAJOR SOURCE OF ISLAMIC LAW. Download. AL-QURAN AS A MAJOR SOURCE OF ISLAMIC LAW As we know, the sources for the Islamic law has been divided into two which is, primary sources and secondary sources. The Al- quran or Al- kitab represent the most important sources of Islamic law, that is the ultimate word of the divine. The word of Al-quran, indicates the …
GENERAL INTRODUCTION TO ISLAMIC LAW Lily Zakiyah Munir The compatibility of Sharia and modern jurisdictions has been a long-standing debate. Muslim jurists have been criticized for having lost contact with the changing conditions
In Islamic jurisprudence, qiyās (Arabic: قياس ‎) is the process of deductive analogy in which the teachings of the Hadith are compared and contrasted with those of the Qur’an, in order to apply a known injunction to a new circumstance and create a new injunction.
Quran is Fundamental Source Of Islamic Law The Law Study
Is Islamic law organically linked to its primary sources, namely the Qur’an and the Sunnah, or is it manufactured by the ruling elite centuries after the time o Skip to main content Download This Paper Open PDF in Browser
Part Three: The Sources of Islamic Law o Ijmaa’ (Consensus) and Qiyas (Analogical reasoning). • Sources about which there is general disagreement
28/12/2014 · In this section the main guiding principles of Islamic economics are discussed.
The Berkeley Journal of Middle Eastern & Islamic Law is a US-based law journal that covers relevant topics in Middle Eastern, Islamic, and comparative law. Arab law quarterly Published on behalf of: the Society of Arab Comparative and International Law. – le jugement dernier en islam pdf 2 Sources of Muslim Law. 3 The Shariat Act 1937—Muslim defined. The Koran and the Sunna form the basic roots of Islamic law. (c) tjmaa: It is the “consensus of opinion” among the learned in the Muslim community. It is the
In Islam, the main source of law is the Holy Qur’an then followed by the tradition of the Prophets or Hadith as the second source of the Islamic Laws 4 . Other sources of law in
ISLAMIC ECONOMICS Annotated Sources in English and Urdu Volume 4 (1997-2002) By Muhammad Akram Khan 2012
Introduction to Islamic Law – Islam and Origins of Islamic Law The number of direct & concrete normative verses in Qur`an is small. Need for different, yet Islamic sources.
to the rule of the Islamic law. Most of these books presented the Islamic view in a favorable Most of these books presented the Islamic view in a favorable fashion, without unveiling the negative facet inherited in these laws.
4/01/2010 · 3.0 Primary and secondary sources of Shariah One of the important constituents in Islamic law is the sources that were utilised in order to deduce rulings. Jurists of Islamic law have classified the sources of Islamic law into various categories including according to the origins.
SOURCES OF MUSLIM LAW. Various sources of Islamic law are used by Islamic jurisprudence to elucidate the Sharia, the body of Islamic law. The primary sources, accepted universally by all Muslims, are the Quran and Sunnat.
The Origins of Islamic Law Islamic law represents one of the world’s great legal systems. Like Judaic law, which influenced western legal systems, Islamic law originated as an important part of the religion. Sharia, an Arabic word meaning “the right path,” refers to traditional Islamic law. The Sharia comes from the Koran, the sacred book of Islam, which Muslims consider the actual word of God
The book highlights the sources of Islamic law and deals in detail with all criminal and civil laws of Islam including family and personal laws. Verses of the Qur’an, Sunnah of the Prophet of Islam, and views of Muslim schools of Fiqh and opinions of legal experts have been extensively quoted. The book’s size is 5.5”x8.5” and pages are 292. For the benefit of students of Islamic law
9/06/2013 · Free Download Urdu Pdf islamic books and Novels, Download Free PEER-E-KAMIL in pdf books Free Download Urdu pdf Novels and books SIRAT UR RASOOL by Dr. Tahir ul Qadri. Discruption:- SIRAT UR RASOOL is in urdu not is in English. there is written in English on the book image but All Part of this b… Khutbat e Nizami by Mushtaq Ahmed Nizami. Free Download Urdu Pdf islamic …
a source not only for deriving but also for substantiating and legitimising all further laws. the meaning of secularisation is different in an islamic state and in the muslim world from that of a constitutional state of the western kind. when one talks about secularity in islam, the first country that normally comes to mind – at least from the german perspective – is turkey with its
1/09/2009 · Sources Of Islamic Law. The Holy Quran. The first source of Islamic law is the Holy Quran which is the revelation of Allah and the Book in which His Message to mankind is contained. It is the word of Allah revealed to Prophet Muhammad (PBUH)through the angel Jibrail. It is the foundation of Islamic Law and a Book of exalted power. The Quran contains a set of moral and juridical injunctions
1 CHAPTER A1 INTRODUCTION TO ISLAMIC MUAMALAT LEARNING OUTCOMES At the end of the chapter, the candidate will be able to: Understand the concept of Islam, the objectives (maqasid) and sources of shariah.
Ijma’ (Consensus of Legal Opinion
Published: Mon, 5 Dec 2016. The sources of Islamic law are used by Islamic Scholars to explain and clarify the Shari’ah. There are four Islamic sources of law which are accepted universally by all Muslims, which include Qur’an, Sunnah, Ijma’ (Consensus) and Qiyas (analogy).
12/07/2014 · After Holy Quran and Sunnah, it is considered as a source of Islamic Law and was started after the demise of the Holy Prophet. However, the origin of Ijma can be traced out in the Holy Quran and Sunnah.
24/08/2010 · 2) First Source: It is the first and fundamental source of Muslim law and Islamic principles. It is ultimate source of laws. It is ultimate source of laws. 3) Structure: It is in form of verses, each verse is called an ‘Ayat’.
1 Islamic Sources: Quran and Sunnah Abbot, N. (1967) Studies in Arabic literary papyri, vol. 2, University of Chicago Press. Abbot, N.(1983) Hadith Literature: Collection and Transmission of Hadith, in
Basically, there are three sources from which we obtain all our Islamic laws and principles: The Holy Quran The Tradition (Sunnah and Hadith of the Holy Prophet) Ijtihad (exercise of judgement) 1. The Holy Quran . The Holy Qur’an is the real foundation on which the entire structure of Islam rests. The Holy Qur’an is the absolute and the final authority in any discussion related to Islamic
Primary Sources of Islamic Law The Arabic term for source in Islamic law is dalil (guide)[2]. There are two primary sources of Islamic law: Quran and Sunnah. Quran and Sunnah make up Shariah (pathway), the source of all principles of Islamic law[3]. Quran The literal meaning of Quran is that which should be recited, read, or studied and refers to the book. embodying the revelation from Allah
Sources of Islamic law 1. Introduction: Fiqh or Islamic jurisprudence is the source of a range of laws in different topics that govern the lives of the Muslims in all facets of everyday life.
Various sources of Islamic law are used by Islamic jurisprudence to elucidate the Sharia, the body of Islamic law. The primary sources, accepted universally by all Muslims, are the Qur’an and Sunnah. The Qur’an is the holy scripture of Islam, believed by Muslims to be the direct and unaltered word of Allah. The Sunnah consists of the religious actions and quotations of the Islamic Prophet
Sources of Muslim Law – Notes to Help
Introduction to islamic law SlideShare

Islamic Studies Questions And Answers In Urdu
The Origins of Islamic Law Constitutional Rights Foundation
Ijtihad and Mujtahid

Sources Of Islamic Law Istihsan In islam urdu YouTube

Researching Islamic Law Malaysian Sources GlobaLex

Sources of Shariah Mail of Islam - Largest Islamic Website

Quran Primacy Source of Islamic Law Pakistan “The Land
islamic thought and civilization pdf – Mizan Wikipedia
Principles of Islamic Jurisprudence By Hashim Kamali
Sources of Islamic law SlideShare

3 The Sources of Islamic Law

Sources and Islamic Schools of Law Lesson-2 YouTube

Islamic Legal Histories Berkeley Law Research

Islamic Law The Shariah Middle East Institute
Quran is Fundamental Source Of Islamic Law The Law Study

islamic studies questions and answers in urdu (Doctrinal Statement) Basic Doctrines of the Bible – A study course (25 pages) to help people understand all
The Sources of Islamic Economics The fundamental sources of Islam – the Quran and the Sunnah of the Prophet [1] – provide guidelines for economic behavior and a blueprint of how the economic system of a society should be organized.
5/12/2018 · Asalam o Alikum Everyone Today We are going to start a new video series on sources of islamic law hope you all like it Juristic preference. Refers to the principle that permits exceptions to
Introduction to Islamic law Islamic Law is also called and known by Sharia. Sharia is the moral code and religious law of Islam. Sharia deals with many topics addressed by secular law, including crime, politics, and economics, as well as personal matters such as sexual intercourse, hygiene, diet, prayer, everyday etiquette and fasting. Though interpretations of sharia vary between cultures, in
Is Islamic law organically linked to its primary sources, namely the Qur’an and the Sunnah, or is it manufactured by the ruling elite centuries after the time o Skip to main content Download This Paper Open PDF in Browser
AL-QURAN AS A MAJOR SOURCE OF ISLAMIC LAW. Download. AL-QURAN AS A MAJOR SOURCE OF ISLAMIC LAW As we know, the sources for the Islamic law has been divided into two which is, primary sources and secondary sources. The Al- quran or Al- kitab represent the most important sources of Islamic law, that is the ultimate word of the divine. The word of Al-quran, indicates the …
Islamic law and its sources Federal Agent David MacGregor is undertaking a Masters in International Law at the University of Melbourne and has recently completed an essay about the fundamentals of Islamic law. An excerpt of that essay follows. In many ways, the laws and religion of Islam are inextricably linked and an understanding of Islamic law, the shari’ah, is fundamental to the
The Origins of Islamic Law Islamic law represents one of the world’s great legal systems. Like Judaic law, which influenced western legal systems, Islamic law originated as an important part of the religion. Sharia, an Arabic word meaning “the right path,” refers to traditional Islamic law. The Sharia comes from the Koran, the sacred book of Islam, which Muslims consider the actual word of God
Since Islamic law is regulated by state legislative assemblies, the law is published within the respective state gazettes, except for the Federal Territories of Kuala Lumpur, Labuan and Putrajaya, in which the Islamic law is enacted by the Parliament and is published in the Federal Gazettes.
9/06/2013 · Free Download Urdu Pdf islamic books and Novels, Download Free PEER-E-KAMIL in pdf books Free Download Urdu pdf Novels and books SIRAT UR RASOOL by Dr. Tahir ul Qadri. Discruption:- SIRAT UR RASOOL is in urdu not is in English. there is written in English on the book image but All Part of this b… Khutbat e Nizami by Mushtaq Ahmed Nizami. Free Download Urdu Pdf islamic …
On The Sources Of Islamic Law And Practices [Ahmed Souaiaia] on *FREE* shipping on qualifying offers. Is Islamic law organically linked to its primary sources, namely the Qur’an and the Sunnah, or is it manufactured by the ruling elite centuries after the time of the Prophet Muhammad? This is one of the central questions that a
Fundamental laws of Islam are contained in Holy Quran and this is the primary source of law in Islam. This is the first and the great legislative Code of Islam. It is the original, primary, basic and most fundamental source of the Islamic Shariah. It is the last Book of His revelations for entire humanity.

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  1. Various sources of Islamic law are used by Islamic jurisprudence to elucidate the Sharia, the body of Islamic law. The primary sources, accepted universally by all Muslims, are the Qur’an and Sunnah. The Qur’an is the holy scripture of Islam, believed by Muslims to be the direct and unaltered word of Allah. The Sunnah consists of the religious actions and quotations of the Islamic Prophet

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  2. Mizan (English: balance; scale, Urdu: ميزان ‎) is a comprehensive treatise on the contents of Islam, written by Javed Ahmad Ghamidi, a Pakistani Islamic scholar. It is published in Urdu by Al-Mawrid Institute of Islamic Sciences .

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  3. to the rule of the Islamic law. Most of these books presented the Islamic view in a favorable Most of these books presented the Islamic view in a favorable fashion, without unveiling the negative facet inherited in these laws.

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  4. 1 Ijtihad and Mujtahid BY HIS EMINENCE MAULANA MUHAMMAD ABDUL ALEEM SIDDIQUI AL-QADRI From Ch. VI, “The Codification of Islamic Law”, published by Haji

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  6. Mizan (English: balance; scale, Urdu: ميزان ‎) is a comprehensive treatise on the contents of Islam, written by Javed Ahmad Ghamidi, a Pakistani Islamic scholar. It is published in Urdu by Al-Mawrid Institute of Islamic Sciences .

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  7. ISLAMIC LEGAL HISTORIES gether, these propositions amount to what I call the dominant plot of Islamic law historiography. Reduced to its bare essentials, this plot tells us four things.

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  8. 1 Islamic Sources: Quran and Sunnah Abbot, N. (1967) Studies in Arabic literary papyri, vol. 2, University of Chicago Press. Abbot, N.(1983) Hadith Literature: Collection and Transmission of Hadith, in

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  9. a source not only for deriving but also for substantiating and legitimising all further laws. the meaning of secularisation is different in an islamic state and in the muslim world from that of a constitutional state of the western kind. when one talks about secularity in islam, the first country that normally comes to mind – at least from the german perspective – is turkey with its

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  10. The Sources of Islamic Law 35 tradition or story of the Prophet while the former term relates to the rule of law deduced from it (Fyzee, 1964a, p.l9).


  11. ISLAMIC ECONOMICS Annotated Sources in English and Urdu Volume 4 (1997-2002) By Muhammad Akram Khan 2012

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  12. to the rule of the Islamic law. Most of these books presented the Islamic view in a favorable Most of these books presented the Islamic view in a favorable fashion, without unveiling the negative facet inherited in these laws.

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  13. Various sources of Islamic law are used by Islamic jurisprudence to elucidate the Sharia, the body of Islamic law. The primary sources, accepted universally by all Muslims, are the Qur’an and Sunnah. The Qur’an is the holy scripture of Islam, believed by Muslims to be the direct and unaltered word of Allah. The Sunnah consists of the religious actions and quotations of the Islamic Prophet

    Rights of Non-Muslims in an Islamic State Dhimmitude

  14. 1/09/2009 · Sources Of Islamic Law. The Holy Quran. The first source of Islamic law is the Holy Quran which is the revelation of Allah and the Book in which His Message to mankind is contained. It is the word of Allah revealed to Prophet Muhammad (PBUH)through the angel Jibrail. It is the foundation of Islamic Law and a Book of exalted power. The Quran contains a set of moral and juridical injunctions

    Mizan Wikipedia

  15. The Sources of Islamic Economics The fundamental sources of Islam – the Quran and the Sunnah of the Prophet [1] – provide guidelines for economic behavior and a blueprint of how the economic system of a society should be organized.

    What are the Basic Sources of islamic Law or Sharia or

  16. The Holy Qur’an, Tradition and Ijtihad are the three main sources of Islamic law which govern and regulate all aspects of a Muslim’s public and private life.

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  17. 17/06/2014 · Out of these primary sources, Quran is considered as the first primary or fundamental source of Islamic Law. The Quran is the revealed Book of God. The basic source of Islamic Law is divine revelation. This has been given to us by the Prophet (Peace Be Upon Him) in two forms. One is the direct words of God (The Quran), other is indirect words of God ( The Sunnah). These two forms …

    Sources and Islamic Schools of Law Lesson-2 YouTube
    Books on Islam by Dr. Muhammad Sharif Chaudhry

  18. islamic studies questions and answers in urdu (Doctrinal Statement) Basic Doctrines of the Bible – A study course (25 pages) to help people understand all

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    Sources of Shariah Mail of Islam – Largest Islamic Website

  19. Most Muslims believe Sharia is derived from two primary sources of Islamic law: the precepts set forth in the Qur’an, and the example set by the Islamic Prophet Muhammad in the Sunnah. Fiqh jurisprudence interprets and extends the application of Sharia to questions not directly addressed in the primary sources by including secondary sources. These secondary sources usually include the

    On the Sources of Islamic Law and Practices by Ahmed
    Mizan Wikipedia

  20. The Holy Qur’an, Tradition and Ijtihad are the three main sources of Islamic law which govern and regulate all aspects of a Muslim’s public and private life.


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